so i’m shopping on and i’m searching for bras in my size. apparently, my size overlaps with teen girls, so i keep getting recommendations for 13 year olds. i never thought i was chesty before, but seriously. >_< maidenform, you're just mean.
my phone!!!
so my beloved sony ericsson w810i died this week. last week it would crash after being on for a few days… then it was a few hours… this weekend it was a few minutes. two nights ago, it was starting to die almost immediately. after following the usual rounds of troubleshooting and software updating and pleading phone calls, i got an RMA number and sent it in to sony yesterday. hooray for warranty!
i feel so naked now! i lost my phone AND my camera! what am i going to do?? it doesn’t help that this has been a really difficult month for me in other respects. sometimes you latch on to the safety of objects to help anchor you. (sounds stupid, i know — if it were a crucifix, it’d probably be a little less embarassing.) i’m gadget girl, you know? it’s kind of part of who i am. even though i only had the thing for two months. -_-
anyway, sony says the whole RMA process should take between 14-21 days upon receipt of the phone, so here’s hoping sony gets it soon. i’ll be counting the days until its return! in the meantime, i’m using my really old, trusty, siemens s66. now if i can just make sure i don’t lose it…