I love these fluorescent energy-saving light bulbs! they give off a nice light… not like the sickly light fluorescents usually give, but this nice warm glow.. and they’re brighter than normal incandescents too!! yay!! :D
you know what? going to a comedy club on a tuesday club is a pretty iffy thing. went to the laugh factory tonight with eric. pretty good spread of jokes… had your gay jokes, geriatric jokes, marriage jokes, baby jokes, relationship jokes, presidential jokes, medication jokes, fat jokes, etc. I dunno.. comedy almost seems formulaic. you’ve heard it all before, in some way or another. The medication jokes weren’t really new — I remember janeane garofalo telling jokes about the anti-anxiety medication that has side effects that include diarrhea, constipation, etc. The presidential were mildly amusing. The geriatric jokes (you notice how old women tend to scratch their boobs a lot? why is that?) were pretty amusing, but they got mean spirited after a while. There was also a woman using the guitar-playing gimmick.. singing her jokes and whatnot. she sang a song comparing semen to mayonnaise, and had the audience sing along…
luckily, we didn’t end on that note. The second to last guy seemed like a regular joe who works a pretty good job in the morning and moonlights as a standup at night. It didn’t seem to matter as much if he was funny, and since he wasn’t trying as hard, he came out with some pretty good jokes about GW trying to slide by in a conversation with one of the PLO leaders. not too shabby. The last comedian was a young Filipino woman who tried to test out some new material to a tired audience looking to go home. Eh.. she tried.
but yeah, stand-up comedy is HARD. The neat thing about it was seeing the comedians sort of huddle together afterward, giving each other encouragement, pointers, tips here and there on their routines, their jokes, etc. A little community of artists, banding together in hopes of breaking out…
Oh, also went to Miyagi’s and got a bit of a tour. Amazingly, there was a pretty good crowd there… and it was karaoke night! It wasn’t as crowded as it usually is, but still quite rocking. I was impressed. :)
Afterward, went to CJ’s for taro milk tea. mm… heheh. so I can’t sleep right now…