time management, 101 I’m debating

time management, 101
I’m debating whether I really want to do apo this quarter. part of me still longs to be that “all star” I was in high school — always busy with some activity or another, running from place to place, etc. APO sounds like a lot of fun. the people seem really nice, the things they do sound really fun, and it seems like a meaningful experience to be part of APO, you know? and yes, I would be doing it for the community service aspect, and not so much the partying. I’m already partying with my friends enough as it is.

so is APO worth it?

oof, have to get ready for the beach.

Happy Friday the 13th, everyone!

Happy Friday the 13th, everyone!

Late to my noon class today.. even though I woke up at 9am this morning! Made it to English 10A discussion just barely.. where I proceeded to get my ass kicked in my weak attempts at explicating passages from the Canterbury Tales. Dude.. I got a freaking 5 on my English Language AP.. and a 4 in Lit! Dammit, I can explicate! it’s just been too long!

(heh. yeah right! I really don’t have much of an excuse. I’m just trying to stroke my bruised ego.. *oof*.)

anyway. went out with aggie, wen, and co last night.. originally to K-Town, but after picking up too many white people (MIT David, Wen’s roommates, etc), we opted to go to a bar instead. Josh suggested the Liquid Kitty on Pico.

I hate parking in Los Angeles! Too many cars! Yes, I know, I’m part of the problem, but augh! We had an annoying time finding parking, but we found a few spots across the street from the bar. We hopped in, found it was crowded, and decided just to go to Wen’s place to drink.

… a few smirnoff ices and two movies later, the lot of us went home. Office Space is one hilarious movie. we were also lucky enough to see High Fidelity as well. :)

More on this later…

I love these fluorescent energy-saving

I love these fluorescent energy-saving light bulbs! they give off a nice light… not like the sickly light fluorescents usually give, but this nice warm glow.. and they’re brighter than normal incandescents too!! yay!! :D

you know what? going to a comedy club on a tuesday club is a pretty iffy thing. went to the laugh factory tonight with eric. pretty good spread of jokes… had your gay jokes, geriatric jokes, marriage jokes, baby jokes, relationship jokes, presidential jokes, medication jokes, fat jokes, etc. I dunno.. comedy almost seems formulaic. you’ve heard it all before, in some way or another. The medication jokes weren’t really new — I remember janeane garofalo telling jokes about the anti-anxiety medication that has side effects that include diarrhea, constipation, etc. The presidential were mildly amusing. The geriatric jokes (you notice how old women tend to scratch their boobs a lot? why is that?) were pretty amusing, but they got mean spirited after a while. There was also a woman using the guitar-playing gimmick.. singing her jokes and whatnot. she sang a song comparing semen to mayonnaise, and had the audience sing along…

luckily, we didn’t end on that note. The second to last guy seemed like a regular joe who works a pretty good job in the morning and moonlights as a standup at night. It didn’t seem to matter as much if he was funny, and since he wasn’t trying as hard, he came out with some pretty good jokes about GW trying to slide by in a conversation with one of the PLO leaders. not too shabby. The last comedian was a young Filipino woman who tried to test out some new material to a tired audience looking to go home. Eh.. she tried.

but yeah, stand-up comedy is HARD. The neat thing about it was seeing the comedians sort of huddle together afterward, giving each other encouragement, pointers, tips here and there on their routines, their jokes, etc. A little community of artists, banding together in hopes of breaking out…

Oh, also went to Miyagi’s and got a bit of a tour. Amazingly, there was a pretty good crowd there… and it was karaoke night! It wasn’t as crowded as it usually is, but still quite rocking. I was impressed. :)

Afterward, went to CJ’s for taro milk tea. mm… heheh. so I can’t sleep right now…

a long lost friend and

a long lost friend and a telephone call… connect the two, and maybe you have something special… something that touches your heart, nudges it just so to pop it open, as if to set a flower in bloom…

a candied night sky, a glitter moon showering sparkles upon us
within this we float
this is our realm

you are the collection of my dreams..hopes..wishes
you make me believe in the better part of me
.. make me want to be that grace, that sparkle you see…

This is so neat. Salon.com

This is so neat. Salon.com Technology | Personalize me, baby

See, what’s awesome about Napster is that you really do get to discover new music! I actually do go out and buy CDs if I like something I downloaded. don’t believe me? hehehe. those itemized credit card invoices don’t lie~!

All this talk about piracy.. everyone talks about piracy being a bad word. but what it’s really about is access… more people have access to the artist’s work, can enjoy it, share it, and maybe develop an interest in the artist. No longer is it limited to whether a band has a deal with a big time record company, if their company paid enough to get their music on the radio. A listener isn’t just stuck with what the local radio stations are spinning. It’s access to more music, better music and at the same time, it helps make that connection between fan and artist. granted, right now, the most downloaded artists are the ones like Madonna and so forth, but as technology improves, smaller artists will be able to better take advantage of this increased access to their music. services like the one talked about in this article are the key to making the whole “discovering new music you actually like!” dream a reality.

hehe. two cents for you. :)

Since school got in, I’ve

Since school got in, I’ve been having really long days. class starts around 10, and I’m running around on campus or just not at home until 8 or so, usually. what’s the deal?

today, I’ve been running on a weird caffeine high since about noon when I went to kerckhoff for a caffeine fix. Ran into patrick and related my “naked in las vegas story.” (lesson learned: mom was right: a jacket is a good idea.), chatted for a little bit, and sprinted to my english discussion. my friday schedule is kind of yucky, since I basically sprint from bunche for a lecture, then to moore for another lecture, and then back to bunche for a discussion. It’s pretty NOT cool.

I’m at work right now, but it’s friiiiiiiiiiday! I’m so busy tonight too… I’m sort of rushing alpha phi omega, this coed community service fraternity, and there’s an event tonight. after that, I’m watching billy elliot with some friends. I’m really looking forward to the weekend — when I can sleep in and finally get some work done.

Oh, and I found out today that I’ve been reading the wrong version of beowulf for my english class. doh!

So how does this sound: History major, double minoring in English and Anthropology? Heh. I’ll be in school for, oh, another decade? (yes~!!)

no, but actually.. I’d like to be out of here soon. watching so many of my friends graduating, one kind of catches that spirit as well, that “heading off into the real world.. aaah!” kind of energy that bursts like dandelion puffs into the springtime air. Done! Finished! Gone!

Wow. Makes you feel your age too…