goodness, it’s been a little

goodness, it’s been a little while since I’ve posted. and a LOT has happened.

but here’s why I haven’t posted much recently. first off, our DSL is crap. I’m not sure if it’s the modem, or the switch, or what… but our connections have been really spotty. =( So if you don’t see me online, it’s not cuz I’m blocking you or anything… I’m just not there.

secondly, my life’s been consumed by alpha phi omega. I finally activated saturday morning (go Iota Class~!). We had our banquet that night at the LAX Marriot. Preparations for the banquet had taken up oh.. about the past three weeks? AAAAAAAH!!!

so.. I’m really sorry!! I’ll put up something interesting soon, I hope!

a bit of computer advice

a bit of computer advice from the former Resident Computing Intern:
is your computer running something you don’t know it is?

If you’ve encountered a program called “comet cursor,” then it’s likely it is. cc recently installed itself when I visited a friend’s webpage. even more annoyingly, it also installed “webHancer,” a small spyware program.

if you want to know how to remove it, go here:
Backdoor Santa Spyware: WebHancer

…So I vowed to keep

…So I vowed to keep myself alive, but only if I would never use me again for just me. Each one of us is born of two, and we really belong to each other. I vowed to do my own thinking instead of trying to accommodate everyone else’s opinion, credo’s and theories. I vowed to apply my inventory of experiences to the solving of problems that affect everyone aboard planet Earth.
– Buckminster Fuller

“I think we too often make choices based on the safety of cynicism, and what we’re lead to is a life not fully lived. Cynicism is fear, and it’s worse than fear – it’s active disengagement.”
–Ken Burns, Historian

u know, it’s easy to

u know, it’s easy to delude yourself into thinking that life is simpler than it actually is. I think I’ve been in an oversimplification mindset as of late… willing to wall things off because it would be easier that way. the thing is, people don’t lead simple lives, and it’s important to take that into account. I keep forgetting…

so I was talking to

so I was talking to chris from brown about dating, etc, and we got to talking about being asian. it’s a topic I haven’t spent much time thinking about for a little while, and talking to him got me thinking about it again.

(on a side note, A magazine really did merge with Click2Asia. grrr.)

I am a 21 year-old Chinese-American woman. I have dark eyes, dark hair (with blond highlights), and a “yellow” complexion. I’m relatively short — about 5’1.5″, and I weigh about 115 lbs, give or take a few (haven’t weighed myself in a while, so I really have no idea.) I wear glasses. I speak mandarin. I eat my food with chopsticks. eating tripe is no big deal to me. my parents tell me stories of their childhood, and I’ll chuckle along with them. i can understand the way they think, why they think the way they do, and to some degree, share those opinions as well. It’s strange… it even extends to food preferences. in a lot of ways, my sister just doesn’t “get it.” my sister is 15 years old. she’s a normal american teenager, and because of this, she clashes with my parents more than I did when I was growing up. she complains about the food we eat, preferring pizza to pepper/salt squid (I’ve no idea how to translate this. sorry.) We are on different wavelengths in many many ways.

So what’s this “Asian” business about? maybe I’m just disjointed, or I come from a stranger background than most people. What does it mean to be Asian? to be an Asian American? I can’t get past the business that being “asianized” is as simple of bobbing one’s head to spacey techno music while sipping boba through thick straws at relaxtation. it’s just not so simple. and does that sort of activity really justify people segregating themselves off from other cultures? doesn’t that just perpetuate those stereotypes of asians? and what are these “Asians” banding together anyway? to be honest, there’s a wide spectrum of how asian a person is/can be. I’m sure a bunch of them are just too far removed from their asianness that they band together with similarly culturally de-asianized people, and redefine asianness for everyone else. is that what it’s about?

we have at least 4 different student groups comprised of “chinese” students. we have the Association of Chinese Americans, Chinese Student Association, another for Taiwanese students, one for people from Hong Kong.

.. more on this later.

to those of you looking

to those of you looking for a place to live next year, say it with me: apartment hunting is a bitch!

i spent yesterday in a totally delirious state (you know, like the song silence by delirium.. mm, that’s a good song!) since I had only gotten about an hour and a half of sleep the night before, and i started panicking about what i was going to do for housing next year.