some earcandy for a monday afternoon…
The Ocarina of Rhyme | Team Teamwork
Frank talk with Lady Gaga –
NPR’s Decade in Music series gives some well-deserved props to Britney’s song “Toxic”. Yes, you heard me: WELL-DESERVED, dammit!
recent tunes and music – july/august 2009
older-ish stuff:
newer-ish stuff:
Death Cab for Cutie – I Will Follow You into the Dark
currently spinning: death cab for cutie – plans
current track: i will follow you into the dark
i have a really bad habit of not listening to albums all the way through. i think i’ve listened to the latest dcfc album completely through maybe once or twice because i always get caught up in the first track, “marching bands of manhattan”. but i was flipping through dcfc’s myspace page, and “i will follow you into the dark” was playing. i can’t believe i’ve forgotten this song. it’s utterly beautiful.
You can hear the song on their myspace page here.
whoa, nelly~!
I’ve been a long-time fan of Nelly Furtado since her “Like a Bird” days (did I mention I met her once? She’s even shorter than me!!), and her new album “Loose” is definitely one of my favorite albums of the year. I really like almost every song on this cd, although I’m partial to the more dance-oriented tracks like “Promiscuous”, “No Hay Igual” and “Do It”. It’s a fantastic summer album that makes me want to get up and boogie! Who wants to go clubbing?? :D
I also really love the song “Say It”. It resonates with me quite a lot right now.
oh, and before i forget, here’s proof that I met Nelly Furtado!