Not to say that there aren’t Obama supporters who are as dumb as this, but it’s always alarming to see a collection of people who are as vehemently and willfully misinformed as the folks in this video.
It’s A Frap! | Palahniuk & Chocolate
Family Portraits of all 56 ethnic groups in China | ChinaHush

Sometimes it’s easy to forget how culturally diverse China is. Lovely set of portraits here.
Tiger Woods crash cookie

Shortbread cookie from one of our vendors. It’s a still from the CG video a Taiwanese news station created illustrate their version of the night Tiger crashed his car. (see video in earlier post.)
Oh those resourceful Taiwanese journalists: Taiwan Tiger Woods Video
If you don’t have video from the event, create it in CG!
Facebook’s New Privacy Changes: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Hey kids! Be sure to read this article from the EFF if you’re considering keeping an iota of privacy when you use Facebook.
Pen Spinning! Universal Pen Spinning Board 1st Collaboration Video | Youtube
back in jr high, i had a small obsession with pen spinning. there was a guy in my SAT summer school class who sat in front of me who had rather distractingly awesome pen spinning skillz, and i ended up spending about a week at home trying to do what he did. i eventually figured out the spin-pen-over-thumb trick, but I never developed the dexterity to do it in reverse the way he did.
needless to say, I can’t even begin to do the things described in this video, but a girl can dream, right?