Text Message Donations For Haiti May Be Delayed Up To 3 Months – The Consumerist

The Consumerist also has a related link that tells you how to donate money faster and more directly to the Haitian earthquake relief efforts as well. See article.
Conan O’Brien Makes Official Statement, Won’t Do 12:05am Tonight Show, Slams NBC On Air | /Film

Just catching up on the whole Conan O’Brien/Jay Leno late night drama. Slashfilm has a good summary of events and clips of commentary from Conan’s and Letterman’s respective shows. Some pretty funny stuff. =)
Facebook Revenge – “My hook up list”

Brilliant and wrong in so many ways.
Oh man, I’m so glad I am not a teenager growing up in the time of Facebook!
Findings – The Psychology Behind Putting Off What Can Be Enjoyed Now
Let’s see how well I do in following the advice from this column a few months from now…
happy new year!! it’s 2010!!
Another year gone, another new decade beginning. here’s to a great
year filled with lots of delicious food and memories!
A thorough evisceration of The Phantom Menance in 7 parts
Watched this last night with a few friends. Makes a ton of great points, and is pretty hilariously done. NSFW. Slashfilm has the whole series on a single page for easy viewing.
Proof That Anything Can Be Deep Fried | Top Cultured

Now this is really inspiration more than anything else. =) Time to do another Deep-Fry-day!
Above picture is of Deep Fried Oreos.
“I bet you if anyone got into the beta it was Stalin!!” | Hitler Learns About STO Closed Beta | Youtube
The Facebook Privacy Settings You’ve Lost Forever – Facebook – Gawker
More on the Facebook privacy rollbacks from the recent change to the TOS.
While covering Facebook’s systematic elimination of privacy, we’ve been deluged with questions from readers asking how to restore certain Facebook privacy protections. Sadly, many such settings appear to be lost forever. Here are the most glaring examples.
1. Hide group and page memberships
Facebook changed its formal Privacy Policyto say that “pages you are a fan of… and networks” are now totally public information (along with many other things). There’s apparently no setting to shield page and network data, which leads to terrible situation like this one, sent in as a reader plea:
All of a sudden my grandmother can see that I belong to the Queer Graduate Student Union and Open Relationships Networking Group. Please help. I can’t bring myself to de-friend my grandmother!
2. Block Facebook activity from appearing on your wall
There used to be a setting that allowed users to prevent Facebook activity from automatically showing up on their Facebook wall, thus blocking updates like “John commented on Jane’s picture,” “John is now friends with Bob,” “John is attending Uber Gay Circuit Party 2010,” etc. This setting is apparently gone, and you have to remove such notices one at a time.
Writes one tipster:
It is extremely annoying not to mention a complete tell of how often I use Facebook during work hours:)
3. Prevent strangers from friending you
It used to be you could keep non-friends from sending you a Facebook friend requests, although they could confirm. That’s not the most, well, social way to use a social network, but judging from our email, it was a frequently used and valued feature. Wrote one Gawker regular:
Before the changes I wasn’t searchable on FB and hence friended only those I wanted to friend, in essence, I would initiate the request. But… I am now getting friend requests from people I don’t know, or worse, from people I know but I don’t want to befriend on FB…
Facebook now makes you offer the “Add friend” option to all friends of friends — you can’t restrict any tighter than that, so strangers can still send you friend requests. Screenshot (click to enlarge):
4. Completely hide friends list
Your friends list, too, is considered public information. Though you can remove it from your profile, you can’t keep friends of friends from seeing it. They just have to pull up one of your friends’ friend list, click you name, and view your friends list.
Writes one reader: “Many of us are concerned, seeing as how there are thousands of people faced with the threat of stalkers.” Another, right on cue:
I have been dealing with a deranged, threatening stalker… There is no way of keeping your Friend list private… I have been obsessively reading about this topic [overall Facebook privacy]… To say I’m outraged is an understatement.
We thought Facebook might be improving this, but we continue to receive emails like these, and Facebooks written Privacy Policy still states that friends lists are now public information.
And more, we’re sure
We’d love to be wrong about any of these privacy rollbacks, so if you know of settings or workarounds we’ve overlooked, do email us at tips@gawker.com. Conversely, if we’ve left out a lost privacy option you feel strongly about, let us know about that, too.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg (pictured) originally said his social network’s privacy changes were intended simplify and enhance the privacy experience on the site. Judging from our inbox, it would seem he’s achieved neither.