Ok, time to play catch

Ok, time to play catch up. This is just a barebones chronicle of the events of the past few days… and chances are, it won’t be interesting. I just need to record this so I remember in the future! I’ll talk more about individual amusing stories another time…

So I was in Vegas for a bit after going home for a few days, which is why I haven’t updated this fer a little while. Left Fremont Tuesday night, checked into Bellagio around 10pm or so. Flight was all right.. really empty. Lots of room to strech out, look outside and see … darkness for the better part of the trip.. and the bright lights of vegas during the last ten minutes or so. it was nice. :)

…on a side note, did you know that there are two things you can see from orbiting the planet: the Great Wall of China and the lights of Las Vegas. :)

Vanessa and Thomas weren’t in the room when I first got in, so I got to stretch out for a little bit… they got back from Dreis around 11. Afterward, we walked around a few of the hotels for a little bit…

The next morning, we got up at 9am and hit the beautiful Bellagio pool. (was that a redundancy? har har.) It was sooo nice! It had the whole Italian villa thing down, with the arches with climbing vines all over the place, fountains in shallow pools, and so forth. The pool was maybe the length of a few olympic sized pools, and only 3 1/2 feet deep the whole way through. Hehe.. it’s nice being able to touch one’s feet to the ground. :)

After a morning swimming and sunning (yes, I now have a tan.. and a pretty interesting tan line too), the three of us spent an hour walking around vegas looking for the Hard Rock Cafe. We finally found the place around 3 in the afternoon. Wasn’t the best experience… food was pretty mediocre, but at least the music was good. =) Hard Rock Cafe also serves up a pretty mean Hurricane.

From there, we took a shuttle back to the strip. We got off at Caesar’s palace, and stumbled our way to the Venetian to get Thomas’ dinner jacket. Went back to the Bellagio, stopped to catch our breath, and changed for dinner.

Dinner was an interesting experience! I’ve never been to Benihana’s before, and it was a rousing start to the rest of our evening; their flaming onion beats the mirage’s flaming fire hole any day! We shared the table with some Texan businessmen and some middle aged Southern ladies. Conversation was .. interesting. Food was darned good. Nessie and Thomas took home little Buddha drink containers!

hit up Fremont Street after that and watched one of the light shows… which was basically a paean to Texas and the cowboy life. :) Hit up the casinos afterward… where I lost about 30 bucks playing Blackjack and Roulette… but Vanessa made $27 from the Roulette tables! (Go Nessii~!!) Decided to go bowling afterward, so we went to the Gold Coast hotel (by the Rio). Thomas bragged about his bowling “skillz”… but Nessie and I both defeated him soundly, despite the fact that I was on the phone the whole time: me: 110, nessie: 52, thomas: 47. Thomas challenged me to a rematch, which I again won, although by a smaller margin: 132 – 108. kekeke!

Headed home around 3. got back to the room… and somehow decided to order room service! Mmmm.. tiramisu and hot chocolate… :)

Slept from about 5 or 6 or 7 to 2 in the afternoon…:)

Thursday was a blur.. a short day indeed. Went to the Spa…. oh, steam is very very nice! Had dinner at Picasso’s. Wine is good, but too much wine is no good. ;o) Hit up GameWorks afterward.. and Sahara after that.

Checked out Friday, took lots of pictures, and went home. was asleep on the plane the whole way down…

Took a taxi home with nessie and thomas… napped for a couple of hours, got up, and went to Greg’s birthday celebration. Walked down to Westwood to go to Cowboy Sushi. First time doing sake bombs (oof!). 4 on an empty stomach slowly being filled with sushi is no good, but I made it all right. got some cookies at diddy riese with kim and michael.. and hit up Maloney’s with the rest of the party. Stayed until 1am, and walked home. Slept.

The next day, I had to go to San Diego for Dennis’ birthday/graduation party at his aunt’s house. Woke up at 9:30, fell back asleep, and woke up every hour afterward until about 2. Finally hauled my arse out of bed, and got in the car. Stopped in Irvine for an hour to hang out with Cliff and his friend Kevin (Hi, Cliff), and spent another hour behind the wheel to get to Oceanside. Spent a couple of hours there, eating dinner and sort of talking to Dennis’ relatives/friends/neighbors (oof), and drove back around 9:30. Got home around 11:15, where jen and co were getting ready to start traffic.

Traffic is a long movie. a really good one, but long.

stayed up really late. daylight savings did not help. got up late the next day, went to the college bowl tournament (which UCLA was hosting) for a few hours… went home around 5. left for Pacific Dining Car around 6/6:15. I guess we invited David to come with us, since he was bringing over Sparklehorse (jen’s fish~!). David actually ended up leaving around 7 to meet with his friends for a movie — sorry for keeping you, david~!! :-(. Jen, Marie, Ness, and I finished our dinner and went home. Randolf later comes home and brings over Samba de Amigo, this DDR like game in which you don’t move your feet, but you shake maracas! it’s soooooooo much fun!!!!!!!!!!! it took me 4 times to even pass a song (I know, I’m so lame!!)… but now I want to play!!!!! aaaaaaah!!!

Marie had a couple of friends in fraternities who told her to stop by their parties tonight, so Marie, Nessie and I headed down to the row. We were reminded why we don’t go to frat parties anymore. SAE was at least all right… we got the best treatment, the house was pretty nice, and there was a good crowd. We left after the “college girls are easy” song, though. 0_o Sigma Xi was pretty bad. Total meat market kind of feel… guys would walk in, survey the girls on teh floor, walk around the floor, and decide whether they wanted to stay. there was a sparse enough of a crowd where you could do that. >_

song of the hour (actually,

song of the hour (actually, the two hours it too me to drive from SD to LA yesterday): Todd Rundgren – It Wouldn’t Have Made Any Difference

Track 3 of the Almost Famous soundtrack, this song is the second cheesiest tune on the album, the most cheesy track being Elton John’s “Tiny Dancer,” which I also love. Somehow, for the whole two hour drive, I listened to this song over and over and over again… for no good reason, really.

Well, maybe a couple of good reasons. It was just food for thought, mostly…

song of the hour: son

song of the hour: son by four – purest of pain
pretty song by a latino band.. this song’s been out for a little while, but I just heard it on the radio, and it’s still as much of a *sniffle!*-inducing song as it was 6 months ago.

I’m HOME!!! it’s massively wonderful

I’m HOME!!!

it’s massively wonderful to be back… even though I’m on typing all this on a stupid P-120 (yes, that’s the family computer. It was the Cyrix 300 for a while until I busted it trying to do a motherboard/cpu upgrade. doh!) I’ve got my bed and the flannel bedsheets, I’ve got my nice big executive desk, my cd boombox, my decade-old file cabinet, the two large bookshelves piled with old novels, class notes and textbooks…

it’s good to be home. :)

It’s 6:16am… what the freak

It’s 6:16am… what the freak am I doing up?? oh wait. I remember. I have a final at 11:30. So I haven’t been to the class in a little while. It’s British history! I can do British history. In fact, I loooove British history. I know the stuff like the stuff in my belly button.

Ok, that’s only sort of true. You could ask me random stuff about the Tudors, and I would probably be able to tell you. Like how Lady Jane Grey was queen for just nine days before “Bloody” Mary raised an army to reclaim her right to the throne. And how the Duke of Northumberland basically used her position as Henry VIII’s youngest sister’s daughter to put his own son closer to the throne of England while Edward was on his deathbed. All very shady business. You can also watch a bastardized Hollywood version of the tragic story called “Lady Jane.” I don’t remember much of the movie, but I saw a part of it in some class a long time ago, and that’s part of what got me really into Grey’s story. Hehe. it just furthered the fascination I had with the Tudors I’d developed in high school.

How did I develop that fascination? Well, it started with me trying to memorize lists of British monarchs for my quiz bowl team… yes, I did quiz bowl in high school. -sheepish- We went to nationals too! We got to see New Orleans as underage kiddies romping through the humid, marshy, blue skies/dark people kind of place… A good restaurant to try while you’re in N.O., however, is Mothers’ Restaurant. Damn good cajun food! Dude, you eat soooo well down there. -grins-

oh wait.. what was I talking about.. British history! Ok, this class is mostly about the Stuarts, while I didn’t have much interest in before, but I *suppose* I can tolerate now. baah. Now I have to read.

back to work.

I get to go home tonight~!! yay!! (hrm.. when am I planning to sleep…?)

song of the evening (ok,

song of the evening (ok, it’s not evening anymore, it’s 6am! why am I still up??)
new order – elegia
It’s a really depressing, but beautiful song. That “More” movie short uses this song as the soundtrack.