Walk It Out on Amazon

This is one of the games I shipped this year, so I have to pimp this out!

[amazon ASIN=B002CZ7P04]Walk It Out! [/amazon]

Super fun game. And the reviewers on Amazon love it! This thing is selling out like craaazy, so you’d better pick up a copy before it goes out of stock again!

On a more personal note, this was one of the first live action trailers I worked on. I was lucky to be working with a great cast and crew – I learned so much from everyone, and the result was more than I could have hoped.

Go Walk It Out! ^_^


I wish i could make this up. but check it out.

yes, i saw it on a page that was intended for me. cracked me up. aw yea, i’m a COUGAR!


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Your Old Gadgets – Wired How-To Wiki

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Most of us grew up with the Environmental Protection Agency’s friendly “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” motto, but when it comes to gadgets, being environmentally responsible isn’t quite so easy.

That’s because electronics are neither easy for manufacturers to create nor simple for recyclers to disassemble. On top of that, laws on handling e-waste are inconsistent between countries, states and even cities. Long story short, the biggest problem with recycling gadgets is it’s confusing as hell for consumers.

But it really doesn’t have to be. Below, Gadget Lab rounds up a list of major companies and how their recycling programs work, so your next useless cellphone doesn’t end up taking up space in a drawer or leaching toxics into a landfill. We’ll start with the easiest stuff first and then move on to the more complicated gadgets.

Useful wiki from the folks at Wired on how to recycle your used electronics.

Posted via web from pearl’s posterous

Please Rob Me


This site basically reminds people that HEY while it's really fun to tell you're friends where you're at, it also tells people where you're not at: HOME. which means that it's ok to rob you!

Reminds me of this:

So yeah. Watch out for that oversharing business – not only can it gross out your friends, it can also leave you without that shiny new PS3 you just bought last week.

Posted via email from pearl’s posterous

Kyochon Chicken Strips (and the delicious crispy rice batter that coats them)

Kyochon Chicken Strips!

I only discovered Kyochon Chicken last year, but I’ve been hooked. I get cravings for these delicious little chunks of tender and juicy marinated chicken battered in some sort of special rice coating that crisps up after it’s been deep fried and has just the slightest tinge of curry wafting under your nostrils and over your tastebuds. These are usually nothing short of glorious and I really don’t want to know how bad these are for you.

Kyochon Chicken
Freshia Market
Torrance, CA

Vancouver and More: 5 Times Pedobear has Infiltrated the Real World | Geekosystem

Pedobear win!

Thanks to a lazy Google image search, a leading Polish newspaper erroneously claimed that despicable Internet meme Pedobear was one of the mascots of the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. But that’s not the first time the pervy bear has fooled the gatekeepers of reality and made its way into the real world.

via geekosystem.com

Posted via web from pearl’s posterous