I think I’m going blind.

I think I’m going blind.

No, not Selma-Dancer in the Dark blind, but my vision is definitely deteriorating at a rapid rate. It’s harder to see, it’s harder to perceive things as I once could. I feel like I’m living my life in a strange haze, cheerily ignoring important things that I would worry about before, just because I don’t recognize its existence as I used to.

I feel like I do a lot of things that hurt other people. Be it from sheer obliviousness or from simply being indifferent and less considerate than I should be, it happens… more than it should.

So I’m young, right? I can be young and reckless…I can be irresponsible for a while. But I’m not so young anymore… I’m 21, dammit. my parents look at me like I’m an adult. I should be acting like one.

but it’s probably time to put away childish tendencies…