“what the hell happened?!”

so about six months ago (wow, yea, it really was that long now…), i decided that i should quit getting gouged by my webhost and switch to a new plan with more s-p-a-c-e. i’m on canaca right now, which has been ok so far, except i’ve had to reinstall movable type and gallery all over again. and with the moving, the traveling, the changing jobs, world of warcraft and my whiny procrastinatory ways, getting everything up and running just didn’t really happen.

until now.

well, sort of.

archives still aren’t back yet, and probably won’t be back for another week or so (if i’m lucky). the gallery is back up, although the pictures will need to be reuploaded, especially the ones from the wedding. and speaking of wedding pictures, i’ve learned that it’s not a good idea to put up pictures you don’t really like, or else relatives will wrap their hands on what they perceive to be a well-composed picture and go into 8×10 madness. and for some reason, *all* our relatives have picked the SAME CRAPPY PICTURE with the SAME AWFUL SMILES to print out and FRAME and PLACE ON THEIR MANTLES. it’s really quite depressing. 0_o

so anyway, posting will return. i think.

One Reply to ““what the hell happened?!””

  1. welcome back! this new webhost of yours has really good pricing. i’m probably gonna have to change hosts in a about a year and i’m not looking forward to making the move. pictures of E3 were cool. that america’s army game was fantastic. i’m glad my tax money pays for the government’s glamorization of war.

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