Lately it feels like my life is a series of bad decisions.
Decisions about school. decisions about my living situation. decisions about what I choose to do with my time, decisions about who I hang out with, decisions on how to deal with people. Life is about making decisions, and more and more, I find that my abilities are crap.
It just feels like I have so much more to learn, and that I’ve lost a lot of that knowledge in the past couple of years… I’ve made some bad choices that have led me to the point where I am now. just a few short years! months, even! and this is what happens? I gues sit’s kind of scary.. you recognize the power you have over your own life.. you realize much more that it really does matter, no matter how far you might try to deny it.
So where does it end? At what point do you free yourself enough to live your life? There is a time for contemplation and a time for action. I’ve been delaying the action for so long… pushing it back further and further…
but you can only run for so long.