song of the hour: U2

song of the hour: U2 – Elevation

Believe it or not, this song is going to be on the Tomb Raider soundtrack! The video for the song will feature a good U2 and an evil U2 duking it out. :) sounds cool, don’t it?

4 more days till Elevation 2001~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


song of the hour: U2

song of the hour: U2 – In God’s Country

joy of joys, kroq played an extra long block of U2 this weekend on my way down to Irvine… and they didn’t just play the big songs. Outside of “In God’s Country,” they also played,
– Bad
– End of the World
– Beautiful Day
– Walk On (yay~!)
… and something else, but I can’t remember it right now. doh!

TWO WEEKS TO U2 in SAN DIEGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
