blogging ’round the world

i was flipping through (would you call it flipping through? hmm) people blogs/webpages and just kind of bouncing about from site to site, and i found a couple of interesting things.

1. EVERYONE seems to have a blog now! Whether it’s just a page of HTML or done through blogger or done with MovableType (which I’m still interested in switching to sorta) or LiveJournal or Xanga, everyone seems to be on the weblogging boat. It’s amazing how it’s exploded so quickly recently! … Or maybe I’ve only just noticed. *grins* But I mean… I still remember when I came across faithy’s blog a couple years ago and was inspired to start one of my own. (thanks, faithy!)

2. And for the people who do blog, Xanga is apparently the program of choice, especially among aphio folk! I knew some people with Xanga blogs before (up at stanford and cal primarily), but I guess it’s made its way down here. Xanga makes it easy to start and maintain a blog, that’s for sure. But what’s really sneaky about what they do is that they make you sign up with Xanga if you want to post comments. wtf is that?? and plus, that makes it easy for a person who’s new to blogging to just up and choose Xanga just cuz they have an account, even if LiveJournal and Blogger are similarly easy to use. Hehe. The recovering web designer in me raises an anguished voice and says, “why do people not wish to have more control and design their pages more??” Then I realize that hey… it just matters that they’re blogging, and not necessarily how they do it. And so I am calm.

Rich just posted up a ton of links to other folks with blogs… and like i said before, many are Xanga blogs with links to other Xanga blogs, etc. aaaah!! Xanga is taking over the world!!!! *sob!!*

*clings onto Blogger ever so tightly!*