ran into anthony choi on campus on thursday! joy! hadn’t talked to him in quite a while… it was really wonderful to catch up! went to the starbucks on sawtelle and olympic to get hot chocolate to warm up (although he got a frappuccino… wtf?!) and chat a bit. it was a cold day, but a good conversation with a good friend you haven’t seen a while really warms the soul… or was that the hot chocolate? eh.
our conversation revealed many really interesting and really cool things, but I can only speak of one thing here. he has a canon s200 elph. this is a really really tiny 2.1 megapixel digital camera that I REALLY REALLY WANT!!! I only solidified my decision yesterday, after going to costco to get my film developed. I realized several things:
1. I don’t use my camera nearly enough.
2. i don’t use my camera because it’s too big and bulky to carry around.
3. if I do carry it around, i am shy to use it because I don’t want to waste film.
4. I always develop my pictures on CD anyway, since that’s when I look at them and that’s how I share them.
so the conclusion is, pearl really really wants a digital camera. a SMALL digital camera. I want to waste lots of space on flash media and see them right away and delete them if it’s bad and not wait 5 months to find out i took a crapload of bad pictures after I develop them. pearl really wants a canon s200 elph.
so i’ve done some homework. street price is about $350 or $300; I found it online for about $260, including shipping and tax.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!! oh gadgets~!! what do I do?? what do I do???