my sister is sixteen years old.
I can’t believe that! I can actually remember being that age. those were clear memories, strongly formed and pressed into my identity, so fundamental in shaping who I am now. I can remember some of the ways I thought back then, remember those things and events I thought were significant in my life, and all the mini-dramas and hopeful dreams that whirled around in my young mind. I am finally realize that the life my sister is leading now will have similar impact on who she is as well. Well, duh, she’s been living life and remembering life all this time. She’s grown tremendously in the past few years, taking on a level of maturity that is fitting for her age, and a practical optimism that reflects kindly on her nature and how she treats her friends. I’m quite proud of my sister. I’m in disbelief that she is where I was five years ago, taking those little steps to adulthood. It’s my LITTLE SISTER. It is the girl who made my parents learn the difference between the Backstreet Boys and NSync three years ago, who whined about wanting to go to a slumber party 6 years ago, who stole my pink care bear Hugs away from me 12 years ago.
I wonder how my parents feel about my sister and me when they look at us. They too are growing, changing. They are people too. People watch their loved ones grow and change, marvel at what’s happened, wonder what went wrong, etc. Maybe I’ll be there in 30 years, thinking the same thing about my friends, my sister, my parents, my children.
One can only hope that things turn out best for your loved ones, through all the things that might fly into their way. Life is so uncertain when you think about it: indeed, so much comes through hard work, but a lot also comes through luck as well. Who knows where one will find oneself?
The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began…
‘”It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door,” he used to say. “You step into the Road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to…”‘