I’ve never been here, but this looks delicious!
The charming 3rd Street bakery Kiss My Bundt, which we have featured a few times in this blog (since its bundts and cupcakes are so tasty) is in a bit of trouble. Due to the recession and the rising cost of ingredients such as milk, butter, sugar and Belgian chocolate, the little bakery is struggling to stay afloat.
Last week, investor Erin Hill sent out an e-mail saying in part:
Chrysta [Wilson], the owner of the bakery, has been fighting valiantly since things got tough in January, but hasn’t been able to build the business fast enough. So it has come down to the next few weeks, in which she has to sell about 5000 mini bundts to raise the money to keep her doors open into the Christmas season, when business will hopefully pick up.
It’s surprising news, since the bakery has become a favorite with a lot of dessert-loving people I know and is often mentioned on popular blogs. Wilson even has a “Kiss My Bundt” cookbook coming out over Thanksgiving.
— Jessica Gelt
*sigh* standards of living going down means less fancy yummy things available to us. it’s almost like we’re heading back to the days where salt and silk were traded as valued commodities. ok, we’re not going to get to THAT point, but it’s heading down that path. :(