happy new year

Currently playing: The Bens – EP
Current track: Bruised

Happy New Year, everyone! I felt obligated to put a really sappy, “my, how the years have gone by” message here, but I decided to spare you and myself the schlocky trouble. So here’s an update.

I’ve been working. And working and working. I like work, but I’ve been feeling a little burned out lately. We actually had the entire last week off, but I opted to go in. (It turned out that my project needed a little more help anyway, so I guess it was kind of necessary). So I had no time off this holiday season, aside from the requisite weekends. I can’t really complain – I know plenty of people had to work with no time off . Still, I’m looking back and thinking I really could have used it. I’m so TIRED! And now it’s a new year and we’re back to the grind?? I want a vacation!

The holidays were pretty decent for me. My sister’s back from school. My parents are as cheery as always (heh). My mom’s taken up knitting this year, so she knitted everyone a bunch of scarves for Christmas (one of which I’m wearing right now! Mm… warm!). I got Jer Connections 1 on DVD for his birthday, and we got each other iPods for Christmas (long story). So I’ve loaded up our iPods with all the episodes from the series. It’s pretty awesome. =) The new iPods are ridiculously cool. The screens are still a little small, but the picture is surprisingly sharp. I’ve already scratched my iPod up kind of badly. Whoops. :(

Our New Year’s Eve was pretty boring. We played WoW and watched the fireworks over Stormwind. I turned on the TV just after midnight, and saw Mariah Carey in a white satin dress and curls preening herself for the camera. I turned the TV off and went back to WoW.

Last night, the five of us went to Cattlemens for dinner. They have a special Dinner for Two deal – a 2 lb. sirloin steak, lobster tail, king crab legs, sautéed button mushrooms and 2 baked potatoes for $52.99. That’s what Mom and Dad ordered. That’s a lot of food! They enjoyed it, but still had plenty of leftovers to take home.

Today, I felt my right arm tingle a little bit. I think it might be carpal tunnel, but maybe I’m just being paranoid. I do think I could use a more ergonomic arrangement at both of my desks (work and home). I got a really cool mouse – a Logitech MX 510 Performance Optical Gaming Mouse (which I got a pretty good deal on) – and it seems to help a quite a bit. One thing I know for sure: I’m never going back to a Microsoft mouse again.

Hope everyone’s holidays were fantastic. : I’m sorry I didn’t get to see many of you this year: work + holidays kind of wiped me out. :( So maybe I’ll take some time off soon… see some friends, recharge my batteries… I kind of miss you all…

4 Replies to “happy new year”

  1. Wow. You’re really boring now! hahaha. I kid, I kid. It just seems only yesterday that you and Jason would be crashing on our couches and hanging out with the guys (me, Den, Jack, Allen). Now we’re all old and run the 9 to 6 (or later). I don’t have anything else funny or interesting to add, so I’ll just end with this. Happy New Year, Pearl. Don’t get lost in any oysters.

    – Chris McDougall

  2. my sister got me one of them fancy-shmancy new ipods for my bday and its really cool except for the fact that i live in fear of dropping it. even now, when its not even in my hands, i’m afraid. and i found the miniscule case it comes with offers almost nothing in the way of scratch prevention so i shelled out $46 for an evo3 case from iskin. its a very case but the company seems almost completely inept. it took me two weeks and 3 very angry e-mails to get mine.

  3. My goodness… Pearl, are you still alive? It sounds like caffeine, sugar, and ham are all that’s holding you together… and even that’s beginning to look a little ragged! I called a few times but couldn’t get ahold of you. Are my voicemails not funny enough to penetrate the fog of work that surrounds your existence today?

    Sounds like Jer is working somewhat more sane hours than you are for a change. =D

    Is Cattlemen’s any good? I passed one on the way back home from Tahoe, so it must be a chain of some sort? We hit the buffet at Caesar’s Lake Tahoe this past weekend. Not nearly as good as what’s in Las Vegas– but my friends were cheap*ss bastards who didn’t want to spend $5 more on Harvey’s to get some decent looking seafood with the buffet.

    Don’t work yourself to death! If it gets really bad I’ll have to force some Coldplay tickets into your hands!

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