introducing… a remaindered links blog!

Although my primary reason for starting a blog oh-so-many years ago was to write and rant about the goings-on in my life, I also liked to use it as a sort of personal — that is, to access my bookmarks from anywhere and share those funny and interesting things with my friends. But after switching to Movable Type, I really tried to refrain from posting short, one-link entries because they made my page look all funky and disjointed. Obviously, I’ve pretty much let if all go in recent posts, but I’ll be doing a lot less of this in the future! Behold! Introducing a new (and IMO much needed) remaindered links blog! The most recent postings will appear in the right-hand column, but there’s also a link to see all remaindered links if anyone so desires.

Man, for all my talk of using MT over Blogger/Livejournal/Xanga/MySpace/Friendster (which is actually TypePad), it sure took me long enough to really take advantage of some of its plugin capabilities. /smacks forehead.

in other news, I’ve uploaded a few more pix from the U2 show in vegas to Flickr; more will be uploaded to the gallery this week. *crosses fingers hopefully*