nothing to talk about!

dude, this is a really boring blog.

it’s not for lack of material, oh no. it’s mostly that it’s a lack of *appropriate* material, whatever the hell that means. i can’t just talk trash like i used to cuz people can find me nowadays! dude, i was able to google my name and find this site! aaah!

so i’d like to talk about this REALLY ANNOYING coworker of mine, who’s young and stupid (just like I was… er.. am…) but i can’t.

and i’d like to talk about what a fun time i’m having at work, and how it’s totally the perfect job for me at this point in my life, but i can’t.

i’d love to talk about the cool people i’m meeting at work and how much fun i’m having with them and how they’re such fantastic people who inspire me to be creative and whimsical and childish and strong, but i can’t.

so what the hell am i supposed to talk about then? all i do nowadays is play World of Warcraft (I’m a 51 Night Elf Rogue on Cenarius), read trashy and/or pseudo-intellectual magazines (Radar and the New Yorker) and listen to the same music i listened to 4 years ago (neutral milk hotel, low, sondre lerche, microphones).

i’m a relic, a shell of my old self. boy i gotta get me interesting again!