
i’m using a lot of the word ‘mini’ lately. am i just feeling small?

just got back from a weekend + 2 days in vegas. the boss was kind enough to let jer and me go for the weekend leading up to a meeting i was helping run on tuesday. i can’t tell you what it was for, because after all, what happens in vegas, stays in vegas.

but i can tell you about the food. the rio seafood buffet (ha, i spelled that ‘buffett’ at first, like jimmy! that’s what you get when you see that awful cheesy neon [wait, that’s everything in vegas] ‘margaritaville’ sign every day for three days) was as awesome as ever. aladdin’s spread was not as ridiculously expansive, but still quite flavorful, and the quality is close to what i remembered. and the jer and pearl vegas experience is complete without a nathan’s hot dog. actually, strike that. no vegas outing is complete without a trip to Fat Tuesday, but this trip was work-related, so it doesn’t really count.

in more depressing mortality news, ODB is dead. hey, dirty, baby i got your money, don’t you worry. may he rest in peace. :(

in more depressing political news, condi rice has been nominated to fill colin powell’s vacated seat as sec of state. the counts of people stepping down in the current bush administration are now approaching Clinton’s numbers, but I don’t recall the shaking up of his cabinet at such high levels in such highly touted roles in the administration. I’m going to have to double check that, though. (to be continued)

off to bed i go. i put my sarcasm to rest for the evening.