remaindered links

100 Facts and 1 Opinion The Non-Arguable Case Against the Bush Administration
PIPA – What’s New “The roots of the Bush supporters’ resistance to information,” according to Steven Kull, “very likely lie in the traumatic experience of 9/11 and equally in the near pitch-perfect leadership that President Bush showed in its immediate wake.”
Ashlee Simpson reveals she has no talent on SNL I was amazed at how quickly this emerged on the blogosphere… I read about it last night at 11:00pm and immediately tuned in to watch the meltdown..hehe. Boy SNL has gotten really really bad…
Saturday Night Disaster”>stereogum: Ashlee Simpson’s Saturday Night Disaster And this is the post I found. God bless Stereogum.
STEWART: You know what’s interesting, though? You’re as big a dick on your show as you are on any show. I know everyone’s already seen this by now, but i still love that line from Jon Stewart’s appearance on CNN’s Crossfire. I still need to see the post-responses to that appearance. Links welcome.
Some color photographs from World War I Disarming and haunting.


5 Replies to “remaindered links”

  1. Mmmmmhmmmm… we could have a field day with this one!

    1) True.
    2) True- however NOT UNIQUE to the Bush administration.
    3) True.
    4) True.
    5) True- however the administration had little to do with this.
    6) True.
    7) True (get yer head outta fantasy land, Cheney!)

    Sounds like the article has a number of very good points, but can some of the anti-Bush people PLEASE get their heads out of the sand when they dip into the items clearly not unique to the Bush administration???! It only weakens their legitimate arguements to do so. :-/

  2. The spread of ashley thing wasn’t too surprising. Withing 2 minutes of the superbowl thing, there were HDTV caps being linked all over irc, and within 5 min, video captures (yes, I was on IRC while watching the superbowl).


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