it looks like it was a problem with the perl modules rather than anything else, and apparently it’s been fixed! yay! no tedious time consuming reinstall!! ^_^
two more days left. @#$%@#$%
stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress stress
it’ll be so nice when it’s all over.
EDIT: gosh, it’s so nice to see my familiar looking site up and running again. :)
you know what’s weird? i was so sick the last couple of days that i didn’t even have the energy to turn on my computer. HOWEVER, i kept having a recurring dream that my site was also hacked. i’m not sure how much of that was drug induced psychadelic dreaming and how much of that was pure techno-nerd, but i finally got some peace when i turned my computer on today. so yes, i’m very glad to see the familiar site up again as well.