a handy nutrition link

i’m feeling green today. mm… green.

for quite some time now, jerimy has been rather unhappy with the “happy fat” he’s put on since we’ve been together. but last week, he decided to do something about it. inspired by his friend’s very positive experience with the atkins diet, jerimy opted to try a version of it himself. so he’s been counting carbs, fat, fiber, and calories in his quest to cut the carbs and trim some of his happy fat. so far, he’s doing really well — he’s lost about 6 pounds since he started last thursday.

we’ve also learned a lot of interesting nutritional facts since he started this diet. the USDA has a site with a searchable database with the complete nutritional information of thousands and thousands of food items.

look up some interesting info about your favorite foods. you might be surprised about what you find out.



One Reply to “a handy nutrition link”

  1. hi. i wanted to leave a comment re: midnight post, but there wasn’t an option to… so here i write. (you can always delete this if you want, no biggee.)

    anyway. i think it’s normal to have transient lapses in how we feel about our friendships. some days, i feel like the whole world is against me and i hate everyone, minus my family and two or three spared true-blues. but other days i’m very thankful for all my real friends. (emphasis on REAL.) admittedly, this is much less than the number of acquaintences i have… like what you said re: friendster. that’s why i think friendster is kind of lame… some people have 200+ people listed as their friends, but probably would go to less than 5 of those people in a crisis situation. what’s a friend? someone who takes care of you and who you’d take care of too, right? not somebody who’s friends of a friend of a friend of a friend’s cousin that you bumped into at a party one time 5 years ago. or somebody that you only chat with when you need help with homework. personally, i’ve reached that age where i’m proud to admit that i only have a few really good friends… because it’s so about quality and i so love my true-blues. you meet people all the time, quantity is not hard to achieve. but someone who’s real, who’s there for you, whom you trust, who you care for and have fun with is very rare. and i’d rather spend my time, love and efforts on my friends instead of wasting it on so-called-friends.

    frankly, i don’t know you, right? i’ve only heard about you through dennis, chris m., jack, and vicky. and even at that, it’s a superficial description compared to actually meeting or knowing you. we’re not “friends” by a true-blue definition. we’re friends of friends, which is by no means bad. but, when i say that i’ve heard about how you’re really sweet and super popular, my statements lack the weight compared to what your real friends would say.

    focus on the love and well-wishes of your friends. there are always going to be bitchasses whose lives are so boring that they have to gossip or talk clout. those people are tres lame and spawn from evil rooted in jealousy and insecurity. really, we should feel sorry for them.

    just some random thoughts.

    ps: i’d like to link to your post, if that’s cool with you.

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