those of you who have been reading my blog in either of its iterations (this blog and the xanga blog) probably have noticed the recent dearth of entries. this is not an accident. Recently, i’ve been very “blah” about what and how i should be posting. so much of a daily log is about what interesting stuff happened in your day. this is hard to do when you’re not having interesting days.
at the same time, i still come across so many weird neat things on the web. I guess you could say the web *is* my day, for better or for worse. so i might as well start posting again. :)
my recent discovery is that of a band called “Fannypack” who has a song out called “Cameltoe.” They were recently featured in the NYTimes (think that! a credible publication publishing the word “cameltoe”!!) (well, let’s discuss the credibility issues they have later. >_link to a site featuring cameltoes of all makes and models.
… and if you don’t know what a cameltoe is… well… ask a friend. ;-)