down, freeshell, down!

my webhost has been in the process of moving over the past couple of days, so please forgive the brief disappearance of this site. here’s a bit of an update.

finals are over!! woohoo!!

it’s good to be back in norcal. got a new bed in my room, spent some time with some high school friends, doing some hanging out with my sister watching bad television. American Idol is a really horrible show. I can’t believe how the show basically treats the contestants like pet monkeys or something. tonight they made the ten finalists perform several obnoxiously choreographed numbers and very cheesily record a burt bacharach tune before somewhat unceremoniously booting off one of the contestants. now how’re them apples?

24 is a really terrific show, although the storyline with jack’s daughter is pretty weak. i seriously need to catch up on first season. keke. it’s funny: apparently, i got norm hooked on 24 before i even got hooked on it!! aaah!!

i’m also rereading a few old old books from elementary school, namely Dear Mr. Henshaw. i have to say, the book has even more resonance now than it did when i was in the first grade. i loved it then, and i still love it now. wouldn’t it be wonderful to write like beverly cleary, to capture those complex emotions and filter them through the eyes of a young child so acutely and with such humor…

also getting to chat online a lot more than i usually do. it’s really nice to catch up with some old friends. :)

time for bed. *yawn*