it’s a rather severe shock coming from the sub-freezing temperatures (not to mention wind chill) of england to the ridiculously warm weather we’re having in california. Just last week I was swathed in two layers of thermals, a warm hat, a warm scarf, angora wool socks, and a gap “warmest jacket” in some rather desperate attempts to keep warm. I froze my ass off at Stonehenge, where the wind cut across the hills of northern England with nary a tree to temper it. Temperatures were similarly cold in Scotland, and we got real freezing temperatures with less of a wind chill. That was fun too. England itself was fairly warm, although we hit a nasty cold and wet spell at the end of our trip. Cities all over the countryside were flooding, but luckily we were by this time back in London and away from the rivers of Severn, Avon, and Thames were overflowing. (Thames has nice flood controls in the city of London, but not very good ones elsewhere. =/) Our flight stopped in Washington DC, where snow and poor visibility had delayed our landing a little bit. SNOW! I was so tempted to grab a handful as I walked onto the plane; a bit had collected on the end of the bridge connecting to the open plane door…
and now, it is freaking 70 degrees?? geeeesh!! california is so lucky!!