please accept my deepest apologies for the slow loading of this page!! I’m still using enetation for my blog comments, and they’re having major issues with their servers and such. To those of you who’ve posted comments in spite of how sloooooow enetation is in recording them, thank you!! It’s too much trouble right now, and I hope to make it a bit easier in the future. 0_o
and now, onto the updates.
disease. den, chris, and allen had a housewarming party at their place last weekend, but I didn’t go. I think I caught something from one of my hacking, sneezing classmates last week. dammit!! luckily, it was just a really bad headache… one of those onsets of illness that my immune system beats down at the last minute… hah HAH! … but quite a bummer when it hits. I’m pretty sure I missed a mean party too. :(
this weekend was somewhat relaxing. It’s one of those “get things done” weekends that most people have every weekend, but jer and I seem to only have them once in a blue moon. ran to ikea to pick up a bathroom rug, and walked out with the aforementioned bathroom rug, a new trash can, pizza cutter, batteries, and a host of other household crap. Oh Ikea! how you make our lives easier, but also sooo much more hellacious. shopping at Ikea is a dizzying experience. I can’t think of any other way to push people through a massive warehouse like that, but I really hate taking the escalators to the top floor, especially on windy days. >_RE: Abuse
Yes, it does appear that all those not kowtowing to the P.C. leftist line will be censored/banned from the forums.
Could you please define “racist” and “sexist”? If I state that not all races are equal, is that “racist”? If I state that men and women are not equal, is that “sexist”? I hold both of these beliefs, so I’d like to know whether or not I will be permitted to engage in discussions on these boards.
– why do people feel so compelled to absolve themselves of responsibility to one’s society? no man is an island, and for someone to feel that an individual can build roads, feed their families, and protect their livelihood from crime, etc better than society can, well… I just don’t know. we all have to bear a load in this society in order to keep this ship afloat.
certain people seem to be of the opinion that their views are the only right views, taking the 1st amendment to mean that THEY are privileged to speak, and hence no one else is. They abuse this by speaking loudly and powerfully, dominating discussion through sheer brute force and rhetoric instead of well-thought-out discussion, in the case of the person I quoted above. yes, he does talk about discussion, but he’s just clogged up the board with a lot of really long postings of his hateful rhetoric. I believe in free speech, but everyone has to give a little in order for it to work.
I also find it incredibly upsetting that this attitude seems to be prevalent among many young people, whom while they should not simply defer to those supposedly older and wiser, should at least respect the fact that they don’t know everything. opinions are one thing, but there are always lots of other sides. I get really mad when 18 or 19 year olds decide they’ve made up their minds about important issues that affect the entire population based on what their parents have said, what foxnews tells them, what leftist propaganda organizations tell them.
then again, everyone grows and changes and alters their views with time, right? so there’s really no reason to get tooo mad about it. I’m sure my views aren’t perfect, and they’ll change with time.