It was sooooooooooooo cold yesterdaaaaaaaaaaay.
I wore little more than a spaghetti tank, jeans, and a thin sweater yesterday and I arrived on campus in for a shock.
it was freaking cold. and drizzling a bit. would it rain too?? what kind of weather is this??? auuuuugh!!
frantically, I ran back to my car to search for another sweater! a sweatshirt! an umbrella! anything! unfortunately, I had cleaned out the car the weekend before and removed all extraneous things from it. including warm, fluffy sweatshirts. with hoods.
and not ONLY was it cold yesterday, I got to campus at 9:30, having spent a good hour and a half in traffic, and found that UCLA parking services were out of daily permits in lot 2. And all the other lots on campus. The only lots they had open were lot 32 (which was out in westwood) and lot 1 (behind the medical center, also in westwood). I ended up driving to Lot 32, found parking, missed the shuttle several times while searching my car for something warm, finally catch my shuttle only to be on campus too late for my 9:30 class. AUGHGHGHGH!!
Mean, Mean day!
On the other hand, I’ve made a friend in a couple of my classes! He’s my laptop buddy. Both of us, through the nature of our notetaking, are stuck sitting by power outlets all the time, so we end up sitting together in two of my classes. He’s neat! He’s married, so I get to ask him advice on weddings, etc.
Speaking of which, I still have no idea what to do about mine. Jer and I were thinking next winter maybe… or even this winter. hehehe. -shrugs- I guess we’ll see. I’m kind of wary of planning a wedding though… seems like too big a deal, too big a hassle, and too much politicking among family and such. simple and smalllll is fine with me! and well.. maybe a reception. :) woohoo!