new domain name?

I really *really* need to get a domain name and a webhosting service. it massively sucks being on geocities. I’ve come to this conclusion after dealing with the hassle commenting is when your own site host does not support scripts of any kind. I’m currently using, which is usually reaaaaaaally slow but accessible, but is currently completely failing me at this moment. maaaaaan.

so. i’ve made a resolution. I’m going to find a REAL host and put all sorts of cool doodads on my site! I’ll actually have space to put up all sorts of neat stuff! I’ll put streaming media on my site! I’m going to be able to have php, or at least cgi scripting available to use, and I will finally break free from geocities! whoohoo!

… but I need a name. what can I call it? I’ve thought of “” but that sounds so … “memememememe.” does anyone want to share a domain and host sites off of it? otherwise, I’ll just go solo and think of a crappy name.

suggestions are welcome. please email me at straypixie[at]yahoo[.]com. (remove the extra characters, formatting, etc etc).