there’s something about a “sleep

there’s something about a “sleep smell” of a room.

Maybe it’s because you notice a difference between how the room you’re in smells and how a new room you enter smells different. Maybe it’s the acclimation making you forget how something actually smells until you leave it and come back. I’m in the living room right now, and I went to the bedroom just now. Jennifer is in there sleeping peacefully. The windows are closed. And the room has a smell.

Is it a stuffy smell? A “this is what the room smells like when the windows aren’t open” smell? or is it a “sleeping people” smell, one that emanates from the nature of simply.. breathing? Is it a Jennifer smell? Or is this just what it smells like when we’re all in the room sleeping, but we don’t notice it when we wake because that’s just how it smells?

I’m a person who’s fairly sensitive to smell. I form a bond with the way a person smells. I never got along with rebound boy because he wore some horrible cologne. However, I do like the way this new guy smells, all citrusy clean. It’s biological, I tell ya!

funny story, also biological. these two female friends of mine are living together. one is on the pill (because her mother’s just insane like that) (and I mean that in the kindest fashion), so she doesn’t ovulate. the other, now no longer ovulates because as well. so this roommate has basically been pms-ing these past three months, and will have to go to the doctor to get a shot to get it started it again. She tells me she is looking forward living with someone else next year because then at least her cycle will swing closer to normal again.

biological story number three. the most children a man has ever had is 1000+. The most children a woman has ever had was 69. Har Har. Thanks to Chris for that tidbit of information.