destination of the YEAR: ITALY!!

destination of the YEAR: ITALY!!

speaking of destinations, I must not forget to mention the tremendous amount of travelling my dear friends are enjoying in this month and the next. Chris left for Europe today, and my roommate Jen is going to Greece and Egypt for the next month!! MAN!! Eric is in Reno right now on business (lucky bastard), Vanessa is going to England to study abroad.

In the meantime, I’m sittin’ at home! .. which is both a nice and a not so nice thing. Home is good — ample time for rest, being able to spend time with friends, etc. But travelling… romping about in new places, filling your head with new ideas inspired by your altered locale, trying new food, meeting different people… The thrill of discovery is all around!

But (cheesily enough) one of the things that appeals the most to me about travelling is that I get to play ethnographer and write postcards to friends back home. man, I love postcards. I always pick up a few everywhere I go, although I usually neglect to send them. :) I still have postcards from philadelphia, sydney, new york, and boston that I haven’t sent out yet. I also have a bunch of Moulin Rouge Go!Cards that I picked up in those spiffy kiosks… all the better to cover my wall with Ewan with!! kekeke!

oh yeah, and more on the traveling note: I’d love to make it to the other olympic games if possible (just to start a tradition, doncha know). If you’re up for going, drop me a line, and let’s start making travel plans!