so what is love? what’s

so what is love? what’s the way to love someone? do you love them in a way that’s easiest for you, and hope they get it? do you have to change the way you love them so that they understand?

the way I figure… it’s not about how it’s done, but that it is done. it’s the sentiment that’s important… because so much can come into a relationship to beat at it and mess it up, but if two people fundamentally “get” each other, and care about each other, and genuinely want the best for each other, that’s what should be what matters, and that’s what’s eventually going to last through time, through changing circumstances, changing situations. it’s so shaky to base a friendship just on the doing stuff together, on a phone call, on tokens of sentiment instead of the real thing. after a certain point, you come to rely on the tokens, instead of seeing the love for what it really is: love.