It’s 6:16am… what the freak am I doing up?? oh wait. I remember. I have a final at 11:30. So I haven’t been to the class in a little while. It’s British history! I can do British history. In fact, I loooove British history. I know the stuff like the stuff in my belly button.
Ok, that’s only sort of true. You could ask me random stuff about the Tudors, and I would probably be able to tell you. Like how Lady Jane Grey was queen for just nine days before “Bloody” Mary raised an army to reclaim her right to the throne. And how the Duke of Northumberland basically used her position as Henry VIII’s youngest sister’s daughter to put his own son closer to the throne of England while Edward was on his deathbed. All very shady business. You can also watch a bastardized Hollywood version of the tragic story called “Lady Jane.” I don’t remember much of the movie, but I saw a part of it in some class a long time ago, and that’s part of what got me really into Grey’s story. Hehe. it just furthered the fascination I had with the Tudors I’d developed in high school.
How did I develop that fascination? Well, it started with me trying to memorize lists of British monarchs for my quiz bowl team… yes, I did quiz bowl in high school. -sheepish- We went to nationals too! We got to see New Orleans as underage kiddies romping through the humid, marshy, blue skies/dark people kind of place… A good restaurant to try while you’re in N.O., however, is Mothers’ Restaurant. Damn good cajun food! Dude, you eat soooo well down there. -grins-
oh wait.. what was I talking about.. British history! Ok, this class is mostly about the Stuarts, while I didn’t have much interest in before, but I *suppose* I can tolerate now. baah. Now I have to read.
back to work.
I get to go home tonight~!! yay!! (hrm.. when am I planning to sleep…?)